I'm back again, but not in a good condition. These past 3 days has been extremely terrible, sorethroat + flu. Running nose for continuous 3 days, non stop except when sleeping. Sore throat, getting worst since day 1...but now i think i know what has been causing it. I ate the same stuff the last time i'm struck with such severe sorethroad. So, yeah, i'll NEVER ever touch that dish again, no matter how tempted i am.
Purchased a box of strepsils this morning (pack of 16), its freaking $6.30 for god's sake...damn...finished 8 by time of 8pm and not feeling any better. geezz....
This is probably the worst flu i've experienced so far in the past decades...normally the running nose will go away after a day when i woke up, but this, 3 days OMFG. even my philtrum is not bruised because i rubbed it too much when wiping away mucus...
so yeah, this has turned into my ranting blog :D
The Betrayal
0130 hours after capture
War Tribunal
The War Tribunal was in an uproar. Tables slamming, fists waving, anger
painted at every man’s face.
Council men, ...
12 years ago