Monday, May 14, 2012

Down with a flu

I'm back again, but not in a good condition.  These past 3 days has been extremely terrible, sorethroat + flu.  Running nose for continuous 3 days, non stop except when sleeping.  Sore throat, getting worst since day 1...but now i think i know what has been causing it.  I ate the same stuff the last time i'm struck with such severe sorethroad. So, yeah, i'll NEVER ever touch that dish again, no matter how tempted i am.

Purchased a box of strepsils this morning (pack of 16), its freaking $6.30 for god's sake...damn...finished 8 by time of 8pm and not feeling any better.  geezz....

This is probably the worst flu i've experienced so far in the past decades...normally the running nose will go away after a day when i woke up, but this, 3 days OMFG.  even my philtrum is not bruised because i rubbed it too much when wiping away mucus...

so yeah, this has turned into my ranting blog :D