Saturday, February 7, 2009

Basidiomycote Inside A Bus - exclusive in

Bandar Utama - A basidiomycote, commonly known as mushroom, was found growing inside a bus by a student, named Maxx, currently studying AUSMAT programme in KBU International College. According to Maxx, this was the 1st time he encountered such humorous happening and so, he decided to post it up. The mushroom was recorded to be 9.0 cm in length, 6.0 cm in width and 4.0 cm in height. A study had been initiated following this event, to investigate how does this species able to grow from a spore and hence survive in such condition and environment, which consist of only metal and rubber. Another passenger, preferable known as Mr. X, said the position where the mushroom was found, had frequent water leakage from the air conditioning system. That may be the reason for the mushroom to be able to bloom on inorganic materials. This was worth-studying in order to determine whether other species of basidiomycote can grow on other inorganic material such as plastic, with only water is provided.
32x**In the last picture, those black dots are not the pattern of the mushroom, they are dusts & dirts. There is even a tiny little spider on it. Once again, due to my poor-and-low-quality-phone-built-in camera, you may not be able to see the cute little spider so clearly.

Tony is still the same. Why can't I change?


  1. Wow, what a detailed and scientifical report of an incident. Great job. Interesting.

  2. walaueh....Mushroom!next time we can go and pluck from the bus! XD
